








Meditation is the process of becoming quiet and turning focus within. 


The practice of meditation takes many forms from traditional monistic practice to modern day eclectic practice.  Monks spend many years training in the art of mediation.  These meditations can take many hours of of focus to remain in a trance-like state.  This practice is suitable for those who have the time and dedication to perfect this form of meditation.  Unlike monks, we need quick and effective meditations that will help us get into a meditative state with all the added health benefits.    


The beauty of meditation is that it is adaptive to your needs and the time you have in order to go within.   Our modern day lives leave us with great need to destress but very little time to do so.  Meditation works very effectively with short daily practice and is very easy to learn and apply in your own life.


Meditation has many scientifically proven benefits including:

  • Stress Reduction
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • Promotes Emotional and Mental Health
  • Improves Sleep


To help you start meditating and experience the health benefits for yourself, I have created a YouTube Channel where I regularly post Free Online Short Guided Meditations. 



Click the button below to start listening and meditating.  



Youtube Meditation page